What is PupFit?
Our goal is to give your dog "the best day of their lives!"
PupFit provides off leash Adventure Hikes for the friendly urban dog*.
We're NOT a dog walker. We're Houston TX professional dog hikers!
We have a 3000 ACRE RANCH for your dog to explore! Your dog's will bound through grassy fields, wade across sandy creeks, play in the lakes, and (literally) run for miles! PupFit is the perfect blend of exercise, socializing, and freedom.
PupFit is what dogs crave!
Our clients enjoy knowing their dogs are spending the day having fun, and then arriving home to find their beloved companion
happy, calm, and content.
Gone are the days of unwanted behavior, hefty waistlines, and
(worst of all) boredom!
* Puppies must be a minimum of 6 months old.

HIKING: Easy as 1, 2, 3
Please complete the following steps
in order to begin your PupFit Adventure Hikes!
Is your dog a good PupFit candidate?
Click HERE for
more info
on what we look for.
Click HERE to learn more about our Evaluation Process then complete the Forms below and email them to info@ipupfit.com
Some Happy Clients